F2F Class Notes (Tony) [W]


Game:   Play, Win or Lose

Play Poker

eg: I’m playing poker with some friends.

Play cards

Play badminton

Sport:   do not PLAYDO or V.  ,   GO + V.


eg: I’m skiing(V) with some friends.

eg: I am going skiing(N) with some friends.


eg: I didn’t want to go swimming.


eg: I like skating. But my husband won’t let me.

When I teach him roller skates.  (??? You teach him N.?)

When I teach him to roller skate.(V.) (Teach to do sth.)

I teach taught my son to count numbers.

Singular or Plural

single            more than one



roller skates

ice skates



Writing exercise

The time of when you apply for resignation, you are not the team member. The boss will use you to the last moment, during this period you will stand in helpless situation. Last week, I told my leader, I will leave next month. Then my leader give me a lot of work. But, I don’t care. If you give me then I accept. Until last moment, I can’t finish, then I swing my arms, do nothing.

The time of When you apply for resign ation, you are not the team member anymore. The boss will utilize you to the last moment, during this period you will be stuck in a helpless situation. Last week, I told my boss, I will leave next month. Then my boss gave me a lot of work. But, I don’t care. If you give it to me I’ll do it. Until the last moment, even if I can’t finish, then I will throw my arms up and leave.