F2F Class Notes (Tony) [W]

Next Class Focus

What time of the month do you go over reports?

When do you need to pick your daughter up from school?


supposed to

eg: He is supposed to be here at 5. We are waiting for him.

eg: He was supposed to be here at 5, but we are still waiting for him.

eg: What are you supposed to do after class? / What should you do?

was supposed to


at around 6pm

around 6pm

at almost 6pm

I will get there at almost 6pm.


When will you get to Wuhan?

I will get to Wuhan at 6pm.

I would get to wuhan at 6pm, but I will be there around 6 and 30. – I was supposed to get to Wuhan at 6pm, but I will be there at 6:30.

Looooong Sentence:

Part 1, But…  , Part 2, So… , Part 3:

I was supposed to be there at 5pm.

The train was delayed.

I will get there around 7pm.

eg: I was supposed to be there at 5pm but the train is delayed so I will get there around 7pm.

Writing exercise

I like holidays but really don’t like crowed. But it’s a wild wish during a long holiday in China. It is unavoidable for me. I have to commute between Shanghai and my hometown or my wife’s hometown. A huge cowed gets on my nerves when I take a train or walk on a street or drive on a road. I always have to drive a long distance due to the lack of tickets. It takes one or two whole days if I departure Shanghai on the first day of a long holiday. You can many cars crashes on the road and tow truck are working. Polices are busy to assess that who should be held responsible for the crash.
If I visit a famous point, there are usually many tourist guides with megaphones, speaking loudly. I often don’t recall what they talked.

I like holidays but really don’t like crowds. It’s a wild wish during a long holiday in China but unavoidable for me. I have to commute between Shanghai and my hometown or my wife’s hometown. A huge crowd gets on my nerves when I take a train or walk down the street or drive down the road. I always have to drive a long distance due to the lack of tickets. It takes one or two whole days if I leave Shanghai on the first day of a long holiday. You can see many car crashes on the road and tow trucks are working hard. Police are busy assessing who should be held responsible for the crash.
If I visit a famous spot, there are usually many tourist guides with megaphones, speaking loudly. I often don’t recall what they were talking about.