F2F Class Notes (Tony) [ W]


I had to write some sentences for class this morning. (Not really must do, but a common thing to say)

Espresso – concentrated, or stronger coffee, use for Lattes, and shots(tiny glasses) of espresso

eg: I got 3 shots of espresso in my latte.

eg: I got a shot of espresso in my coffee.

coffee – not as strong as espresso, has more water in it.

eg: A coffee and an Americano are basically the same thing. An American is 2 shots espresso in hot water.

complex – a set or group of buildings

eg: In my apartment complex there is a swimming pool.

eg: We went to a friend’s building in our complex. We went through the parking garage to avoid the rain.

have a baby – 1. you have a child   2. To give birth to a child, the day the child is born

eg: They have four babies.

eg: She had her baby 3 days ago.

give birth

eg: I didn’t give birth naturally.


yesterday we go went to the piano class

before I was pregnant

before my pregnancy


tolerate – Tall er Rate

eg: I can tolerate the heat.

Garage – Ge Raajj

eg: I parked in the garage, on the 2nd floor.

nauseous – Naww Shus

eg: I didn’t feel nauseous.


the last two weeks of being pregnant / before I had the baby

I’m I didn’t not feel bad

Writing exercise

. I have an Allergy, but I don’t know which thing make me that, my face has a lot of small red lumps.
2. I am Allergic to pineapple, when eat it, I will have a serious allergic reaction, stomach ache and diarrhea
3. I am a walk ins patient and don’t have an appointment with the doctor
4. I took a fever last night, because stayed in a very cold room for a long time, the air conditioner was crazy
5. I fell from a tree and my leg injured yesterday, my daughter’s balloon flied and stuck to a tree, I climbed on the tree to get it.
6. I have a pain in my head, I guess I have had a cold
7. I love the taste of avocado, but every time I eat it I will feel nauseous, sometimes will vomit.
8. I have learning English off and on for more than 10 years, but still stay in the same level, this time I swear to get a higher level.
9. I read a book 12 hour straight

Espresso and coffee

. I have an Allergy, but I don’t know what causes it, my face gets(usually get) a lot of small red lumps.
2. I am Allergic to pineapple, when I eat it I will have a serious allergic reaction, including stomach ache and diarrhea.
3. I am a walk in patient and don’t have an appointment with the doctor.
4. I had a fever last night, because I stayed in a very cold room for a long time, the air conditioner was crazy cold.
5. I fell from a tree and my leg got injured yesterday, my daughter’s balloon flew away and got stuck in a tree, I climbed up the tree to get it.
6. My head hurts, I guess I have had a cold.
7. I love the taste of avocado, but every time I eat it I will feel nauseous, sometimes I will vomit.
8. I have been learning English off and on for more than 10 years, but I still stay at the same level, this time I swear to get to a higher level.
9. I read a book 12 hours straight.

Espresso and coffee