F2F Class Notes (Tony) [W]

Writing exercise

There is a delicate relationship between mother and daughter-in-law. It’s the hardest relationship in China.
Because Chinese parents loves live together, and really enjoy their children could be around them. Parents want their children can according to their plans to develop. It’s like children are kites and parents are hold string. Parents can own their kids control power definitely.
Now my parents-in-law wants to move to our house and live together, I don’t want that, when I educate my son, they maybe break in,” baby drink some water, your mother is too severely,dose she?.’
I admire who has open mind parents thinking, they care about their children, but they more respect. Not just the action support like to help to do housework, but make the children has right thought.


Word = Mistake

(???) = Something missing, eg: To, At, Than…

(What?) (Do what?) (Look at what?)  (Talk to who?)  = Need more words. Need to tell more.

There is a delicate relationship between mother and daughter-in-law. It’s the hardest relationship in China.
Because Chinese parents loves live love living together, and really enjoy their children could be around them. Parents want their children can (Can what?) behave according to their plans to develop a future (develop what?). It’s like children are kites and parents are hold are holding the string. Parents can own control their kids control power completely.
Now my parents-in-law in-laws wants want to move to our house and live together. I don’t want that, when I educate my son, they may butt in break in,” baby drink some water, your mother is too strict severely,dose isn’t she?.’
I admire (What who?) somebody who has open mind minded(ADJ) parents thinking, they care about their children, but give them more respect. they more respect. Not just the action (???) to support like to help to do housework, but let the children have their own ideas. has right thought.


It’s hot isn’t it.  – Subject (BE) (ADJ), Isn’t (Subject) / Subject (V.) (ADJ./ADV.) , Doesn’t (Subject)

eg: She’s beautiful, isn’t she?

eg; It tastes good, doesn’t it?

ADV. (…ly) – describes a verb, how you do something, the way it is done.

Go according to plan

Do it according to their instructions.

Past Participle:

Have (Finished) (Done)

eg: I have reviewed it.

eg: I have eaten lunch.

eg: I have sent that e-mail.

Have/Has been done – (When you don’t say the SUBJECT) ( Passive / Who did this??? )

Has been eaten. (The food)

Hes been written. (Homework)

Has been drawn. (Picture)

It is done. ~ It has been done. (Something)