F2F Class Notes (Tony) [W]


I needed to explain what’s going on wrong

I needed to explain what’s going wrong

He used the stamp to prove his identity. To prove it is him.

I need contacts (contact lenses) to drive

many girl change their eye color to match their style

I put on make up.

stamp V. N. – often used to verify documents by pressing a unique design in ink, then on paper.

eg: When you stamp a document it becomes official.

eg: If it isn’t stamped then it isn’t official. you can’t use it.

back up – to support

eg: We said we will back up our client with the contract.

back them up –

We will always back them up, unless they break the law.

have their back

The client thinks we don’t have their back, but we’ve been

gain – to get more of sth.

eg: She gained weight but actually became skinnier.

Writing exercise

I booked a English class from Wechat Named Mint. At the beginning when you use this official account on Wechat, it will give you a test and according to your vocabulary ability to push English class which is suitable for you. This class will be separate a book to many key words and some short chapters.
This account has push service will be pick up key words and some sentences push to you everyday. Training our reading behavior.

I started taking an English class from Wechat called Mint. At first when you use their official Wechat account, it will give you a test and according to your vocabulary it will assign you to a suitable English class. These classes will use a book to separate many key words and some short chapters.
This account has push service, which will pick up key words and some sentences and push them to you everyday. Training our reading behavior.


Would have been – something that was planned, but didn’t happen.

eg: She would’ve been my teacher the other day, but I had to cancel.