F2F Class Notes (Tony) [S]


I’ll say something funny

pragmatic – solving problems in a practical or logical way

eg: Being pragmatic is sometimes not as important as being charismatic.

charisma N. – a quality which makes people like you more

eg: He has a lot of Charisma, but he’s not very smart.   I’m not very charismatic at work, maybe because I’m a little shy.

arachnophobia N. – fear of spiders

…phobia – fear of sth.

…phobic ADJ.

Study Plan Cont’d(continued):

B. Meetings

  1. Invitations, Requests.

Regular Meeting: When is available for them?   What time is convenient for you? When do are you be available for this evening? When are you available for class (N.)?

Urgent Meeting: What’s the soonest time you can be available? We need to have a meeting (about…) soon. We must schedule this meeting ASAP. Let’s set up a meeting immediately.

Casual Meeting: We’d love you to join us, for… Would you like to go shopping with me.

Do you wanna do/get lunch. Let’s grab (get) a coffee.

2. Recaps, Minutes

Speaking exercise

We will have a monthly review meeting with clients and after that we need to recap a lot of things from clients comments. all of that tax will be additional work for next month, but we have to follow up those and give feedback no longer than one month. Or before next meeting.

We will have a monthly review meeting with clients. And after that we need to recap the meeting and go over a lot of things from the client‘s feedback. All of the tasks will be additional work for next month, but we have to follow up on those and give feedback to the clients no later than one month. Or before the next meeting. Whichever comes first. But they usually happen around the same time.

  1. Next Class
  2. Cancellations, Rescheduling.
  3. Proposals /Presentation