F2F Class Notes (Tony) [S]


Introduce 5 vocabulary words you use at work.

Maybe translate from Chinese.


Germany is a few countries North of Italy. (Out of Italy)

Germany is in the northern Italy. – Germany is in the northern part of Italy (Germany is IN Italy???)

border (N.) – the line that divides two things. / outside edge

eg: We crossed the border from China to Vietnam.

eg: The border of the photo is red. It looks cool because it’s a photo in the summer. And the border makes you feel that it is hot.

border (V.) – to be next to, or close to becoming sth.

eg: China borders Russia, Vietnam and Mongolia.

eg: The golden triangle borders China.

eg: His ideas border on craziness.(n)


a little busy in at/with work

I am busy. I am at work.

Busy with something.

contact with the customers

contact my brother to confirm it


Really – Ree Lee

Rarely – RaiR-Lee

eg: I rarely have dinner this late.

Italy -Ih Duh Lee

Italian – Ih tAall Yun

Speaking exercise

Tell me about a problem at your work and how you solved it:

There are several problems at my work. and the first one is we don’t have enough base of customers so we need to deplore it. And we participate in different forums which all kinds of customers took part in. And we also visit the customers from the different important place. and the second problems is to be known is to introduce our works to the customers. because the work is new to them. So we need to introduce to every clients.

There are several ongoing problems at my work. The first one is we don’t have a big enough customer base. So we need to build it up. And we participate in different forums which all kinds of customers take part in. We also visit customers from the different important places. The second problems is to build brand awareness to introduce our work to the customers. Because the work is new to them. So we need to introduce it to [ every client./ all clients. ]