F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Speak more!

1. Make longer answer, from the questions.

eg: What is your favorite place to eat?

I cook by myself.  – My favorite place to eat is my home, because I often cook by myself.

2. Ask Questions:

Class Questions:

What do you mean?       I mean….   (Ask)

eg: I think you are as quiet as you are smart.    What do you mean?  I mean, you’re not too loud and also very smart.

Do you mean… ?   (Guess)

eg: I think you are as quiet as you are smart.    Do you mean… I’m very quiet and smart? Yes, that’s what I mean.

What does ____ mean?   ____ means…

How do you spell that?

How do you say ____ in English?


roommate – a person you share an apartment with

eg: I live alone, I don’t have any roommates.

quiet – not too loud

eg: Can you please be a little quieter.

polite – not rude, very nice

eg: Maybe Jessica is a bit too polite. But that’s not really a bad thing.

hose (N.) – a long flexible thing, that is open in the middle.

eg: That company makes shower hoses.

metal – a material used to make many hard and durable things.

eg: Most of the products are made from metal.


I borned in 1993 – I was born in 1993

If I want to look for a house to live, at first I check the bathroom – If I look for a new place, the first thing I look for is a good bathroom.

it’s made of plasticthey’re made of plastic

In the past I am a secretary – In the past I was a secretary.