F2F Class Notes (Tony)


city planning

they will find a new place for the exhibition

we had some things we needed to do in china.

take opportunity

eg: you should take more opportunities to speak.

venue – a place to hold events or exhibitions

eg: That venue near Kerry Center is very big.

eg: Do you know what a venue is?
No, I don’t know what a venue is.


I’m not I don’t work every day

I‘m not working every day.

to show the development (N.)

Basic Grammar:

Noun – A person, A place, A thing

eg: A noun is a person, place or thing.

Verb – an action word

eg: A verb is an action word. Every sentence needs a verb.

Adjective – a word that describes something. usually before a Noun.

eg: This is a white coffee cup. The word cup, has two adjectives describing it.

All sentences need a Subject(Noun) and a Predicate(verb), or it is not a sentence!

Clause – a part of a sentence, that has a subject and a verb. A sentence can have many clauses.

Sentence Construction: How to make a long sentence.


I have a dog. My dog is 5 years old.

I have a dog and my dog is 5 years old.

I have a dog that is 5 years old.  (Independent Clause)

that is 5 years old. (Dependent Clause, It needs the first Clause)

my husband plan to the state – my husband plans to go to the States

his English is better than me

Just no