F2F Class Notes (Tony)


high sunshine, heavy sunshine, very sunny

labor brochure record/ official resume

they make an investment in the employee

plateau – like a mountain, but with a flat top

eg: There are many plateaus where I’m from.

canyon – opposite of a mountain, usually made by rivers

eg: The Grand Canyon is the largest canyon in the world.

specify – to make specific, or exact

eg: They don’t specify if they want an full time or part time employee.

eg: You always need to specify when you speak English. For example, you NEED to say How Much or How Many, or Which One when you’re talking.    eg: I ate hamburger today.   You NEED to say a hamburger, or some burgers, or a McDonald’s burger, or That burger.

authentic – real and usually from the real place, or using the same techniques and materials

eg: It’s pretty good, but it’s not authentic Yunnan food.

sea level – 0 m height from the sea.

eg: There’s a city in USA called Death Valley, that is below sea level.

elevation – height of land This mountain is 2500m above sea level

eg: What’s the elevation in SH? The elevation is only 4m.

altitude – height, usually for planes or mountains

eg: Planes fly at 30,000 feet altitude.

Lateral (from side to side) / Latitude (lines for GPS)

eg: In this video, there is a lot of lateral movement, everything is going from left to right.

region – a large area


more beautiful than