F2F Class Notes (Tony)


a long distance friend

eg: I have a few long distance friends. They are Filipino, but I met them in Thailand.

accent – different pronunciation or sound for same words, same language

eg: Zora still has a Chinese accent when she speaks English.

eg: Guangdong people have a difficult accent to understand.

reputation – what other people think about you or something

eg: Dutch people (from Holland) have a good reputation for speaking English. Actually they are just good at studying languages.

dark/light (for skin) –

eg: He has really dark skin.

eg: You have very light skin.

eg: I spent two weeks on the beach and my skin got really dark.


I have had a pen friend/pen pal more than ten years

Did + (past tense V.)   Went.

Did + ( Present Tense V. ) Go

eg: and we didn’t met meet each other for real in person

Plural / Singular

eg: and we just send sent our messages online.

Tsk Tsk Zora, you are still forgetting plural words.

eg: I need to take my child/children to work. (If you use the wrong form then we don’t know if you have one child or more than one) (People WILL ask, if it’s not clear)