F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Did you just get off work?

No, I didn’t just get off work.

we need to get

an email poster

He wanted us to change it many times

but he didn’t have any details ready.

basically we just had to guess what he wanted

productive adj. – able to produce a lot

eg: It’s not a productive work environment, we often get distracted by clients.

adaptive – able to change to fit the situation

eg: Our work requires us to be very adaptive.

Translation Resources:


App:   Pleco

Study Plan:

A. Introductions

  1. To clients

Let me introduce you to…

(It is) Nice to meet you.

It was nice to meet you.

I’d like you to meet John Smith, our salesman. John, this is Lynne Hand.

  1. To other Agencies.

B. Meetings

  1. Invitations, Requests.
  2. Recaps, Minutes
  3. Cancellations, Rescheduling.
  4. Proposals /Presentation

C. Briefings

  1. Instructions
  2. Background Info for clients
  3. Requirements
  4. Company Policies
  5. Company Changes/Updates

D. Status

  1. Projects
  2. Financial
  3. Contracts
  4. Deadlines

E. Apologizing and “Technically apologizing” (not saying sorry)

  1. Your Fault
  2. Not your fault
  3. Misunderstanding
  4. Being late
  5. Missed deadline
  6. Expressing your condolences (bad news)

F. Appreciation

  1. Expressing Gratitude
  2. Congratulations
  3. Admiration
  4. Pandering /Flattery

G. Data Analysis

  1. Traffic
  2. Peak Numbers
  3. Clicks per banner
  4. Performance of Ads

H. Misc.

  1. purchasing keywords for search engines
  2. auction  N.      bid. (V.) (N.)
  3. keywords
  4. tailored customers
  5. brand recognition
  6. Demographics  (information about your customers, age, gender, income, area, habits)