F2F Class Notes (Tony)

How to use a Thesaurus:

What is a thesaurus?

Similar to a dictionary, we can use it to find synonyms.

What are synonyms?

Different words with similar meanings.

1. Look up a word in the Thesaurus.

2. Find a good word to replace it.

3. Check the definition (meaning) of the NEW word.

4. Check Example Sentences, if there are any.

5. Check a few NEW words, to find the best one.


I’m a little busy recently.

Synonyms for Busy:

Occupiedbeing used by someone, doing something

eg: I was occupied this morning.

Unavailablenot possible to get or use, can not be contacted

eg: Hey is Mark available? Sorry, he’s in a meeting.

Swamped – So busy, that it is like you are walking in a very wet forest.

eg: I am swamped with paperwork.

eg: I wish I could go to dinner with you, but I’m totally swamped.

Have a lot on my plate – Like at dinner, when you have a lot of food on your plate, so you must eat that food before other stuff. The food is work.

eg: Last night my wife asked me to go to the cinema with her, but I said no because I had a lot on my plate.