F2F Class Notes (Tony) [R]


they change a little furniture – they change a few pieces of furniture

already – yi jing, you have finished it

eg: Did you already take your English test?    Yes, I already took my English test.

eg: Will you get a job soon?   No, I already have a job.

post (V.) – to write or put something up in a public place, like on the internet, or in office.

eg: She posted a message about an open class.

eg: I saw a post for a job in Chengdu.


Spoken (ADJ.) English Test



Technology is now helping to teach children to be polite. Amazon will soon start selling a children’s version of its virtual assistant Alexa. The new digital assistant will be called “FreeTime”. The child-friendly device will include what Amazon calls a “Magic Word” feature. Of course, there are two magic words: “Please,” and: “Thank you.” The smart software is programmed to encourage children to say “please” and “thank you” when they ask the device questions. An example of this is if a child asks FreeTime: “What is the capital city of Australia?” Alexa will answer and end its response with: “Thank you for asking so nicely.” Amazon hopes this will encourage children to copy the device and be more polite.

What company makes that device?

Amazon makes that device.

What is the new device called?

The new device is called free-time.

What are the two magic words?

The two magic words are please and thank you.

What does Amazon hope the children will do?

Amazon hopes the children to will be more polite.  Amazon also helps them to be more polite.