F2F Class Notes (Tony)


this morning I was stage back backstage.

if the front is empty you can…     look for a seat in front of you / move up

it is longer than most/normal shows

set –  the design, furniture, at the theater, where the play looks like it is happening.

eg: The set is designed to look like Africa.

inter… = between

eg: An international company.

intermission – a break in the middle of a play.

eg: The intermission is 10 minutes long.

assigned seating – the ticket has your seat number on it

eg: Usually at cinemas in USA there is not assigned seating. You can just sit anywhere you want.

row – a horizontal line, from left and right

eg: The first row has about 20 seats.

eg: What row are we sitting in?

eg: They are sitting in the 14th row. On the balcony.

column – a vertical line, up and down

eg: Write this in the fourth column from the left.

theater – the building which shows plays, and other entertainment

eg: Our theater can hold about 900 people.

eg: I’m gonna see a concert at that theater next week.

eg: I want to see that at the movie theater. (cinema)


it has 100 clothes  – it has 100 costumes

the first rehearsal(N.)  was yesterday.