F2F Class Notes (Tony)


3 – 2 = 1   (Three minus two equals one)

Can you use that in an example?

Can you use that word in an example?

Can you use some new vocabulary in an example?

chron – (part of A word) related to time

Chronologically (organized by time) (ADV.)

eg: We need to make a plan chronologically.

Chronological (ADJ) – put things in order based on time,   9:00 am Arrive. 10am Breakfast.

eg: The schedule is very clear, it’s in chronological order.

eg: The schedule is confusing because it’s not in chronological.

eg: I sort my documents by chronological order.

hydro (anything related to water) :

hydrate – drink more water

hydro-power – power created by water turning a wheel


Alphabetical (ADJ) – in order arranged by letter. A,B,C,D…

eg: We are seated in alphabetical order.

eg: The employee names are in alphabetical order.

eg: We need to separate by alphabetical order.

sort – to put in order or organize

eg: Can you sort your clothes by color?

eg: Can you sort them by chronological/alphabetical order.

turn up – increase the amount

eg: Can you turn up the heat? It’s so cold in here.

turn down – decrease the amount

eg: Can you turn down the volume, it’s too loud.

roll up / roll down – to put a car window down or up

eg: Can you roll up the window


I couldn’t stop coughing

my cough hasn’t gotten better