F2F Class Notes (Tony)

Next Class Focus

Find a painter that you like. Can you do makeup like that style of painting?

Discuss in class


Played Hangman in class.

hang – to hold something up high, so that it is not touching anything under it

eg: You can hang up your jacket over there.

eg: I need to hang this up first.

eg: We played hangman in my class today. It was very helpful to learn spelling.

uplifting (ADJ) – makes you feel better, more positive, happier

eg: Their lyrics are uplifting.


I didn’t have a resume. (You probably have one now)

I didn’t have a resume last week. But I made one yesterday.

Do you listen to classical music?  (usually)

Have you listened to classical music?   (at any time before)

eg: I have listened to classical music, but I don’t listen to classical music usually.