F2F Class Notes (Tony)


we can gather around him

it can bring them together

this morning

third party companies

payment system

personal information

savings account – a bank account that will only let you take out a limited amount each time

eg: I can’t take any money out of my savings account with the ATM.

middle aged – around 40-50

eg: Middle aged people have to deal with some big problems.

log (V.) – to write down or keep a record of things happening

eg: They log all of your payments.

eg: Most websites log a lot of user data.

hacker – can break into computer software

eg: Some hackers stole the credit card info of many Americans.


he hasn’t left anything unfinished

it’s the twentieth time we heard that (you heard it 20 times)

we hear that about 12 times a year. (you usually hear it 12 times a year)