F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Ask these in class:

Is that right?

Why is it wrong?

Wonton – hun tun

eg: I had some wontons for lunch.

pho – a Vietnamese noodle dish

eg: There is a good pho restaurant called L.A. Pho in the Reel food court area.

food court – a place in a shopping center, or maybe near subway, that has many restaurants and usually some shared tables in the middle

eg: You can get lunch at that food court, they have a lot of options.

seating / seating area

eg: If they have a seating area it’s probably more expensive.

get in line (USA English) / Queue up (Other English)

get to (Do something) – be allowed to do something

eg: Does she get to play the games on your phone?

Sometimes she gets to play the games on my phone.

eg: My daughter was a bad girl today, she hit another kid. So tonight she does not get to watch tv.

eg: I didn’t finish the project on time. So this year I don’t get to go to the annual dinner.

get to (a place) – arrive at a place

EXCEPTIONS:   Get home, Get here, get

eg: I must finish this job tonight otherwise I do not have enough time to get to the project meeting.


Prepositions: tell you about time, and location


the screen and the shelf are behind me (location)

Amy is behind Tony with that book. He is almost finished. (time)

the whiteboard is also behind me (location)

In front of   (usually only location)

you are in front of me (location) (not part of it)

the front of me (part of you)

the front of my head and the back of my head

the front of the room

the front of the box.

Ahead of

Tony is ahead of me, he already passed the finish line. (time or location or both)

The girl with blonde hair is ahead of me in line. (location)

The new project handled by my colleague is ahead of mine.