F2F Class Notes (Tony)

Best Dictionary



it’s not really a set schedule

the competition is very serious

learning how to play

learn some knowledge – learning something useful

learning social skills

make her more prepared (ADJ.) for primary school

get her prepared (You make sure she is ready)

let her get prepared (You allow her, to get ready by herself)

she will be prepared for

even you pay, you still can’t get in – even if you can afford it, maybe you still can’t get in.

Even can pay for it.. (Afford)

diversitythe state of having people who are different races or who have different cultures in a group or organization

eg: Is diversity an important thing for a kindergarden?

What kind of diversity?

Diversity among students, like ethnic and cultural diversity.

No, I don’t think diversity is important for a kindergarden.

eg: The school aims for diversity in its student population.

sue – to hire a lawyer and try to get money for someone doing something illegal to you.

eg: They fired me because I was a woman. So I’m going to sue them for millions of dollars.