F2F Class Notes (Tony)



Three yoga poses and how to do them.

Tell someone how to do it, and don’t read it from the screen.



Do you have any injuries?

Are you pregnant?

No, maybe 5 years ago.

So, you have a child? Wow, is he about 3 years old?

No, No, maybe 5 years later.

upper – the higher part of something

eg: Now we are stretching our upper body.

lower – the lower part of something

eg: My lower back is really sore.

numb (ADJ)

eg: My hands are numb, I can’t feel them.

nerve – zu zhi

sciatic nerve – zuo gu shen jing

eg: Do you have pain from your sciatic nerve?

waste time – lang fei shi jian

eg: I don’t want to waste your time.

eg: I don’t want you to waste your time.


wrist – Rist

waist – Wayst

ache – Ayk


Do you have any injuries?(N.)

I have a knee injury, but it doesn’t bother me.

Are you injured? (ADJ)

No, I think I’m ok. I’m not hurt.   /    Owww, I really hurt my back.

Ok, just let me know.             /     Don’t move!

Are you pregnant? (ADJ) /  Is anybody pregnant?

my knee aches (V.)

I have a knee-ache(N.)

my knee hurts

does your hand hurt?