VIP Class Notes (Tony) [W]

Next Class Focus

If… then

If… so…

if you… you will…


I will go back to home directly.  – I will go back home directly / I will go straight home.

put on weight

eg: I put on 2kilos of muscle.

lose weight

eg: I didn’t lose much weight, but I’m much healthier.

bake – cook in an oven

eg: Are you gonna bake some vegetables? I’m not sure if that would be good.

oven –  a large box, that you put food inside to cook

eg: Take the bread out of the oven before it burns.

steam – the hot gas that comes off of boiling water.

eg: I am gonna steam (V.) some veggies for dinner.

eg: That steam (N.) is really hot, be careful.

eg: I steamed (V.) some baby cabbage yesterday.

eg: I want to buy a new steamer. (N.) (the machine )

eg: I can see steam in the kitchen. Someone must be in there.

diet – 1. everything that you eat usually   2. changing the way you eat, to be healthier or skinnier.

eg: My diet is mostly beer and pizza. It’s not a healthy diet.

eg: I’m on a diet, I can’t eat any tomatoes. They’re not part of my diet.

packaged – put into a package (like a box) to be shipped

eg: I already packaged the products, you can ship them tomorrow.


I feel healthier

I stood there all day. (Past Tense)


not with just nouns

Writing exercise

Yesterday was a sunny day. I got up at 7,tidied up myself and packaged my backpack.Around 7:30 I left my house.
I always buy a cup of coffee and some breads as breakfast before I get into metro.

When I was waiting my coffee I heard a big noise.Then I found it was a car accident just happened on the road behind me,a car attended to a scooter. There were two men on the scooter and a man in that car.People on the road were coming to the accident place,I could see clearly from the coffee shop.It was really terrible.Two men on the scooter didn’t move anymore,and they were bleeding. But the man in the car seems ok,he got out from his car and started to call the policeman.

Before the policeman came,no one went to check the two men if they were ok,even the driver,we just standed there.Some of them might afraid those two men would rip them off.Lots of this kind of things happened recently.A good people wants to help someone fell down on the street,then they become a “criminal”.Around 7mins later, policeman arrived here with an ambulance.Actually it was too late,one of the two men was already died.The policeman took away the driver,his car and the scooter.The ambulance took away the injured.Cleaner came here to clean the road.Seems nothing happened before.People didn’t stand there anymore after police left,same as me.Hope this kind of things won’t happen again.

Yesterday was a sunny day. I got up at 7, got ready and packed my backpack. Around 7:30 I left my house.
I always buy a cup of coffee and some bread for breakfast before I get on the metro.

When I was waiting to get my coffee I heard a loud noise. Then I found a car accident just happened on the road behind me, a car hit a scooter. There were two men on the scooter and a man in that car. People on the road were coming to the scene of the accident, I could see clearly from the coffee shop. It was really terrible. Two men on the scooter weren’t moving anymore, and they were bleeding. But the man in the car seemed ok, he got out of his car and started to call the police.

Before the police came, no one went to check if the two men were ok, even the driver. We were just standing there. Some of them might have been afraid those two men would rip them off. Lots of these kinds of things happened recently. If a good person wants to help someone who fell down on the street, then they could become the “criminal.” Around 7mins later, the police arrived with an ambulance. Unfortunately it was too late, one of the two men was already dead. The policeman took away the driver, his car and the scooter. The ambulance took away the injured people. Cleaners came here to clean the road. It looks like nothing happened before. People weren’t standing there anymore after the police left, same as me. I Hope this kind of thing won’t happen again.