F2F Class Notes (Tony)


a Saying – something that many people often say and think of as true.

eg: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Chinese Saying – eg: There’s a saying in Chinese, er ting wei xu yan jian wei shi, it means… we shouldn’t judge something from hearsay, we should judge it on what we have seen.

Slang wordsli yu, changed and stylistic meaning of a word

hot – attractive and sexy

cool – relaxed and calm, confident

Chinese Slang – eg: Gun, is Chinese slang, it means go away. Literally it means roll.

Idiom /phrase – a phrase that has new and creative meaning


Heads up – a warning that something is coming toward you.

eg: Heads up! Wow that basketball almost hit you in the face.

eg: Just wanna give you a heads up, there’s a very important e-mail from the leadership. Make sure you reply to it.

Expressions: – the most common, seems like normal phrases

I’m starving – dying of hunger

a window of time – the opportunity you have to do something, that is only there for a short time.

eg: We have a 2 hour window to call the branch and cancel the order.

Literally – the original meaning of a word

eg: I’m starving, not literally dying, I’m just really hungry.

Figuratively – the new meaning or creative meaning of the word