F2F Class Notes (Tony)


coffee bar shop / cafe



broad strokes

default – basic setting before it is changed

eg: The default color is white, but you can choose blue, pink or gold.

eg: Reset your phone to the default settings.

background – everything in the back of the image, like sky, clouds, mountains.

eg: We can have this mountain in the background of our photo.

foreground – everything in the front of an image

eg: The showcase foreground is really nice to attract the viewers eyes.

expressionmaking your thoughts, feelings, etc., known by speech, writing, or some other method

eg: Facial expressions are not easy to portray.

portray – to show or deliver by making an image or an action

eg: What exactly are you trying to portray with this one? It is just one shade of black.

eg: I’m trying to portray the night sky without twinkling stars, so it’s like living in a big city.



0 Degrees:  Snow is made

40 Degrees:  I don’t wanna go outside


0 Degrees: Cold, but bearable with a very warm coat and gloves

32 Degrees:   Snow is made

65: Nice cool home, not hot at all.

80: Nice and pleasant, a little warm

90: Pretty hot, sweat a little

115: I don’t wanna go outside

124: Planes can’t fly.

humid (ADJ.) – the air has a lot of moisture in it

eg: It’s not very hot, but because it is so humid it’s really uncomfortable.

humidity (N) – the moisture/water in the air

eg: The humidity in Shanghai today is 47 %.