F2F Class Notes (Tony)


In a network tech company

It’s just a stereotype.

I don’t like being stereotyped. (V.)

Don’t stereotype (V.) me.

there is a news – there is some news

cuz the relief policy actedsince the relief policy was enacted

(Formal) If people show their behaviors impolitely – (Casual) If people act rude/ If people aren’t polite.

(Formal) I will have my hair done by the stylist. – (Casual) I’m gonna get my hair done. (by the stylist)

I got my hair done. (Finished)

What’s a common way to say that?

Do you want a coffee?

Yes. I want a coffee?

No thanks.

Do you want juice or coffee?



Either (one)

Neither (not either one)

Do you want juice instead of coffee?

Yes, I want juice instead.

I don’t want either.

busy work –  some work that has no purpose, except to keep you busy.

eg: After I finished my homework, my parents just gave me more. I don’t think this busy work will really help me on the exam.