F2F Class Notes (Tony)


peas – a small round green vegetable that has about 5 or 6 in a “pod”

eg: It’s easy to make peas bad. I don’t know why.

pod – small container for things

eg: There are only 2 peas in this pod.

eg: Before Apple made, iPads, they used to make iPods, but you could only listen to music on those.

mushy (adj) – to describe sth like food, when it has become too soft, usually from being cooked too long.

eg: Amy, you cooked these peas too long, now they are all mushy.

eg: I never

tangled (ADJ) – when things get tied together in a mess.

eg: My hair used to get tangled a lot when it was long.

eg: All these cords are tangled, which one is my phone charger?

mash  (V.) – to crush something, so that it loses it’s original shape.

eg: Can you mash these potatoes.

eg: We are making mashed (ADJ) potatoes.

eg: We were mashed (V.) in that train for hours.

eg: I’m gonna mash some apples for my baby’s lunch.

messy – not organized, not very clean

eg: Pick up your clothes, they are all over the apartment and it looks messy.

tidy – organized and clean

eg: I don’t like disorganized stuff, my apartment is always tidy.

tomato paste – a very thick tomato sauce, often used for cooking

ground beef – to grind beef into small long pieces.

cayenne pepper/ chilli powder – a red powder, that is very spicy, and used in mexican food, especially chilli


Chilli Recipe –
