F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Didi bought all the bikes from BlueGoGo. Can you help us understand why this was a smart financial decision, or not?



sinuses – the passageways between the ears nose and mouth

eg: I have some sinus pain, must’ve been from that bad cold I had last week.

eg: The doctor checked my sinuses when I had a runny nose.

charger – usually a plug with a cable that you can use to charge your devices with electricity.

eg: Do you have a HuaWei charger I can use?

eg: My laptop charger is broken.

eg: I tried to find my charger, but it’s not anywhere.

line up – to get in line and wait

eg: Line up and wait patiently.

eg: We got in line almost 3 hours ago.

eg: During the national holiday we got in line on the highway and waited for more than five hours.

susceptible – able to influenced or affected easily by sth.

eg: The cold weather does not give you a cold, but it does make your body more susceptible to catching a cold.

eg: If you are weak you are more susceptible to the bad weather.



Plural or Singular? for N.

Do you 3 minutes to spare?

No, I don’t have a minute.

Articles: A, An, The       USE and Article, OR Specify which thing it is.

eg: I’m on the phone.

eg: I need to get a new phone.

eg: Can I use your phone?   (No article)

eg: There is an issue with the contract.

NO ARTICLE NEEDED:  for uncountable nouns

eg: I need water.

eg: Give me time.

eg: There isn’t enough space.

ADJ. +N.      adj. + adj. + adj. + n.

An early meeting.

Free time.

Table Tennis

Tennis Ball

Ball Point Pen

Pen Holder