F2F Class Notes (Tony)


You seem out of breath

her body temperature was fluctuating up and down a lot

I thought of it in my mind

every morning I took my father’s cow to the field to let it graze.

I want to live in the countryside with no electricity/ no devices


graze – how cow’s eat, often slowly or all day.

device – an electronic thing you can use, like a computer

rooster – a male chicken

bull – male cow

self-sufficient – can provide the things you need to live, by yourself, you don’t need to buy most things.

eg: I would like to live a self-sufficient life.

eg: In America there is a group of people called the Amish, they live a self-sufficient life with no electricity.

wheat – a tall brown grain that you can use to make bread, or beer.

eg: In northern China they grow more wheat.

Speaking exercise

Simplify our lives

How do you want to simplify your life, and why do you want to do it?

I think the first thing is I have to quit my job, and I go back to my hometown. And I will sell my devices, phone, computer, television, ipads, including my wife’s. And every day I will wake up in the early morning and I don’t have to buy everything from supermarket. I can feed a pigs by myself, jut like my parents. And I feed the vegetables in my father’s field, I have no field. And feed chickens. If I  feed chickens I can have eggs. So i have eggs, I have chickens, I have pigs, pigs means I have meal, and I have vegetables. And I have rice, everything. I only need to buy sauce and salt. and everyday I in the field. And I walk with my wife after dinner every day.

I think the first thing I have to do, is quit my job and go back to my hometown. I will sell my devices, like, my phone, computer, television and ipads, including my wife’s devices. And every day I will wake up early and I won’t have to buy anything from a supermarket. I can feed the pigs by myself, jut like my parents. And I can grow the vegetables in my father’s field, since I have no field yet. And I can feed the chickens, If I  feed them I can have eggs. So I’ll have eggs, chickens and pigs. Which means I have meat, vegetables and I will grow rice, so I will have a meal. I can feed myself and my family. We will be self-sufficient. I‘ll only need to buy sauce and salt. And everyday I will work in the field. And I take a walk with my wife after dinner every day.