F2F Class Notes (Tony)


in front or behind

forwards or backwards

backwards – in the other direction, not forward

eg: In Australia the seasons are backwards, in December it’s summer and in July it’s winter.

eg: A lot of poor people in America have a backwards way of thinking. They think they deserve some things without working.  “I can’t work because I have no money.”

move forward – continue, forget past problems

eg: Let’s put those mistakes behind us and move forward.

eg: It’s not your mistake you should just move forward.

move on – stop focusing on one thing, and focus on the next thing.

eg: She found a new boyfriend, you really need to move on.

fluctuate – to change between high and low often

eg: Prices for apartments are always fluctuating.

eg: The temperature in the winter fluctuates a lot.

fallacy – impossible to be right, an argument with very bad reasoning.  Mistake in logic.

eg: The slippery slope, is a good example of logical fallacy.

If you eat a cookie,

tomorrow you will eat a cake

then next year, you will be too fat to get out of bed.

probability – the chance of something happening.

eg: There is an 80% probability it will rain.

eg: The probability of that is very low.

eg: That is not a probable situation.

Murphy’s Law – if something CAN go wrong, it WILL.

eg: Well, I guess it’s like Murphy’s Law, anything can happen.