F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Mark’s examples:

I have a little work to do at home early tomorrow morning.

I have to prepare a presentation because I need to show it to our new sales director from Germany.

the picture was edited because she wanted to look more beautiful

my presentation with a lot of sales revenue charts is done.

the chart represents one year of sales

I will make an appointment with Tony next week so I can get to practice my English.

I will fly to Beijing next month, because I have to attend our company’s annual party.

it’s about how to improve our sales performance

this kind of training is always useless

it looks hard, but it is really easy.

he makes it look easy, but actually it is very hard.

I take 3 business trips a month. (How many trips) (Number of trips)

I take business trips, 3 times a month.  (How many times). (Number of times)

I take 2 business trips once a month.

I take 2 business trips two times a month.

I have dinner once a day.

I have one dinner a day.

3 dinners

dinner 3 times

I drink 4 glasses of water a day.

I drink a glass of water 4 times a day.