F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I will snap at him (get angry quickly, say something short and rude)

he acts like he isn’t listening

he can hear me, but he isn’t listening

when he watches drama shows on his ipad/tablet

it’s a tired tiring work

i think work being busy is a good thing

you can find your worth from your job

she must have been crying for a long time.

you can bring take her back to the hospital and we will give her an I.V.

white blood cell count was too high


keep this situation staying like this will would make him can’t not be able to focus on something for a long time.

leaving him in this state can will likely have a bad influence on for his concentration.

if he stays like this then he could lose his long-term focus or memory.

influenza (The FLU) – a kind of cold with a Fever, Runny Nose, Headache and Sore Throat.

eg: She got the flu, then she couldn’t move her right leg.

Fever – your body temperature is too high

eg: She had a high fever.

Oxygen – O2

concentration – your focus or ability to think about just one thing in order to solve the problem or do the task

eg: Don’t break his concentration, he needs to focus on the painting.


Phonetics – Fuh Neh Tiks

Phoenix – Fee Nix

Oxygen – Ahk-Si’Jinn


can’t hearing

He can’t see(blind)

he isn’t looking/watching

He can’t hear

he not listening / he isn’t listening