F2F Class Notes (Tony)


whatever was remaining

the principal(original) balance

on the second floor

in my hand (When you are holding something)

eg: I had the keys in my hand.

eg: My husband asked me if dinner is ready, and I said, right here, in my hands. (hold out your empty hands)

overhear – you hear something that other people are saying, probably not talking to you.

eg: Sorry, I overheard that you need a painter. I can paint houses, do you want my business card?

inconsiderate – not thinking about other people

eg: Some people speak really loudly, it’s pretty inconsiderate in some situations.

deposit – to put into, especially money into a bank

eg: I deposited 100,000 yuan.

withdraw – to take out, especially money out of a bank

eg: I couldn’t withdraw it when I tried.


eg: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, you should spread out your money into many different investments.

eg: It was a failed investment.

negotiate V. – to talk with someone to change a deal

eg: I will go back to the bank and negotiate with them.

eg: I will negotiate with outdoor vendor in this case.