F2F Class Notes (Tony)

http://learnersdictionary.com/         Easy to understand meanings of words.


it would be get stuck

so I picked up a floss machine

floss – use some string to clean between your teeth

eg: I bought a floss machine.

wash – clean with soap or other cleaning product

eg: Wash your hands.

rinse – clean with only water

eg: I need to rinse my mouth out.

gaps – a space between two things

eg: Motorbikes like to ride in the gaps between cars.

kit – a set of tools

eg: I upgraded my dental kit, after I got braces.

Vietnam – Yue Nan

eg: I went to Vietnam, because I love Vietnamese food.

discriminate V. – to treat people differently, because they are in a group that you don’t like. You are racist. Sexist.

eg: You should not discriminate against people because of their race, sex or age.

eg: The firm discriminated against him because of his race.

gotta / got to – must

eg: I gotta eat soon, I’m so hungry.

China Chinese

Japan Japanese

Vietnam Vietnamese

Canton   Cantonese