F2F Class Notes (Tony)


He’s had that problem for a long time

he snores when he sleeps

I got there/here/home

I got to the place

We will get to the restaurant soon.

I got there early.

She will get there late.

passage – a way to another place, a hall, a tube or a hole

nasal (ADJ) – referring to nose

facial (ADJ) – referring to face

sinuses – the passages that connect your nose and throat.

eg: Your sinuses are all connected.

eg: I had a lot of sinus problems when I was younger.

snot(slang) / mucus(scientific) – the stuff that comes out of your nose(mostly) especially when you have a cold or flu.

inhaler – a small thing you press on the help someone breathe.

eg: My son needs an inhaler.

inhale – breathe in,     exhale – breathe out

lungs – the two large bags inside your chest that fill with air

Writing exercise

My interview experience sharing
Yesterday I had an interview. I got that company earlier for an half hour. When I got there , the HR told me I had three interviewers, one of them is a foreigner. I have no preparing for an English interview. So I used 10 minutes to review my English self-introduction.
When the interview beginning, I found that foreigner can speak Chinese. What a surprise, If I speak English the whole interview, It will going 5 mins and finish, will I have no chance to show my work experience.
The recruiter asked for my first job experience. I said, at that time ,I worked for an E-commerce company and did operations supervisor position.

Sharing my interview experience
Yesterday I had an interview. I got to that company a half hour early. When I got there , the HR told me I had three interviewers, one of them is a foreigner. I wasn’t ready for an English interview. So I used 10 minutes to review my English self-introduction.
When the interview was beginning, I realized that foreigner can speak Chinese. What a surprise, If I speak English the whole interview, It will last 5 mins, I will have no chance to show my work experience.
The recruiter asked for my first job experience. I said, at that time ,I worked for an E-commerce company and did operations supervision.




get ready