F2F Class Notes (Tony)


it doesn’t hurt

i need my glasses

I took had red eyes for the whole day.

I had a headache all day.

have a pain on/in this part of my arm

have some pain in my right arm

I have no pain in my eyes

gross – 1. disgusting  2. total of all things

eg: I think ice cream is gross.

eg: The gross sales for this year were higher than last year.

GRP – gross rating point, total rating points

Writing exercise

It’s about some channel’s rating performance.

By channel to see, the GRP of Sports channel’s hard advertising was under delivery, but total GRPs were over delivery. News channel’s was as well as usual.
From past two weeks to see, data presentation of reach performance was good.

 Last two weeks’ ratings performance review. / Ratings performance review of the last two weeks.

Rated by spots purchased by the client on each channelWe can see, The GRP of Shanghai Sports channel’s hard advertising was under delivery, but total GRPs, including soft advertising, were over delivery. Shanghai News channel’s were good as usual.
From the past two weeks we can see, the data from the presentation shows that reach performance was good.

data (ADJ) + presentation (N)     TALKING ABOUT PRESENTATION

data (N) from the presentation (N)    TALKING ABOUT DATA

Presentation of Cars  –      A presentation about cars.

the presentation shows that – some info you got from the presentation, but it wasn’t only about that.