F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I had a meeting

I met saw “A lot” in a few sentences, but not like this one.

This makes her happy

last yesterday afternoon

I showed my anger/ I let him know that I was anrgy

Do you have to do that a lot (of time)?

Do you have to visit them a lot?

Do you have to visit them many times?

Do have to visit them often?

Yeah I have to do that a lot.

a lot of is very similar to many

Many people think he’s right.

A lot of people think he’s right.

What are you getting at? – “What is your meaning or point?”

eg: Jack told me that the some of the industrial customers couldn’t win projects with good profit. so they didn’t order a lot from us. So I asked him, did you research it, or just you guessed it? What are you getting at?

Jack: “My point is, I couldn’t get the sales because they didn’t need the order.”

“My sales are terrible.”

What’s the/your point? (could be a little rude)  (Almost like saying, shutup and get to the point)

get ADJ. – become ADJ.

eg: Don’t get angry, but I lost your phone.

get there/ get to a place – arrive

eg: We will get there in 10 minutes.