F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I was tired after work

I was am tired now

I like what I do

I want to ask a questions question

fist – when your hand is closed tight

eg: Make a fist.

kinda – cha bu duo,     Kinda + ADJ.

eg: I’m kinda hungry

eg: This movie is kinda boring.

a kind of – Yi zhong de

eg: It’s a kind of fruit.

pungent – Suan de, a strong smell or taste,

eg: It has a kinda pungent taste.

sour – sweet, with a bite

bitter – opposite of sweet

vinegar – cu

Looks like

Shaped like

Smells like

Tastes like         it tastes like sweet

My favorite food is shaped like a ball. It also looks like a fist. Its really yellow. It’s a kind of fruit. It’s kinda pungent. It tastes like vinegar.

This year I will go somewhere, for example/like/such as, YunNan, HK or Northeast China.

That’s like/such as / for example when you told me the meeting was tomorrow, but really it was today.


I like (V. + ING)

I like working with them

I like (Countable Noun + s)

I like cats, they are smart animals.

I don’t like dogs.

I like (Uncountable Noun )

I like beer.

I like people.

I don’t like people.