F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I went there in the morning

When I finished applying for the permit.

I don’t think I need to lose weight.

I want some meat on my bones, I don’t wanna be just skin and bones.

lightweight – you can’t handle alcohol, you have a low tolerance for alcohol

alcoholic – jiu gui

eg: Are you an alcoholic? No, of course not, I don’t drink every day, just every night.

skinny – not fat, slim

eg: I don’t care about being skinny, I just wanna be healthy.

paperwork – forms and documents you need to fill out

eg: Doing paperwork in China is such a hassle.

Register –  to put your name on an official list

eg: You need to register or you can’t get a visa.

Residence Permit – hu kou, officially a resident of that city

eg: You don’t need residence permits in USA, you can move anywhere you want.

Visa – a document that will allow you to travel to other countries

eg: Chinese don’t need a visa to visit HK, but they do need a permit.

permit – a piece of paper that gives you permission o do something

eg: They didn’t have a permit to sell alcohol, so they were fined $500.