F2F Class Notes (Tony)


put on my clothes

took a few bites of food

burnt out

font size and style

make that kind of mistake

pay attention to details

most of my focus is on English grammar

more than everyone else

I need to organize/clean up my inbox

they need to pull my tooth

make an appointment to see the dentist

blind date – a date with a person you’ve never  met.

eg: It wasn’t a blind date, I’ve met him before.

Molars – very back teeth

eg: They need to remove my molars

Cavity – an open space or a hole.

eg: I have a big cavity on one of my molars.

a practice N. – a business for lawyers, doctors, etc..

eg: I want to open up my own practice, but I’m not a Dr. yet.

Uncomfortable words for people:

diarrhea – la du zi                I need to go to the bathroom/toilet.

period –                                 It’s that time of the month.

fat –                                        (To other people about it)    She is  a little overweight.   He is a big guy.