F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I get sleepy if someone is boring

it’s shorthand

it’s a shorthand way to say it.

Yawn – open your mouth wide and breath, usually because you’re tired

eg: I always end up yawning in the car, it makes me sleepy.

Alert (ADJ) – ready for anything, paying attention to everything

eg: All drivers should be alert, at all times.

eg: You need to stay alert

eg: Sometimes loud music can’t keep you alert (ADJ.)

eg: Music can’t help you focus. (V.)

extreme – to a very high degree, much more than VERY.    Extremely (ADV)

eg: It is (V) extremely (ADV) cold (ADJ) in Shenyang.       Shenyang has extreme (ADJ) temperatures.(N)

It is extremely hot in Shanghai in the summer.


Give me phone. (Sounds strange)   (We ALWAYS want to know whose phone or which phone)

Give me the phone on the desk.

Give me a phone. (Any phone, doesn’t matter which one)

Give me your phone.

Give me this/that phone.

EXCEPTION:   Uncountable words

Give me (some) water.

I need (a glass of ) water.

I need (a) water.

I want a (cup of) coffee.