F2F Class Notes (Tony)


In order from best to worst?

it’s less real

herb – some things from plants that you can use for cooking or medicine

eg: Chinese herbal medicine  is very traditional.

website – the name of a web address

eg: Have you used the website called, iherb.com?   That website sells herbal(adj) medicine.

coincidence – two things happened, that seem related, but really they are not related.

eg:  The names are coincidentally alphabetized and in order of best student to worst.

alphabet – all the letters used in a language.     A,B,C,D,E,F,

alphabetical order – (A,B,C,D Is in alphabetical order)          (Z, R,X, N, P, A not in alphabetical order)

Alphabetize   V. – to put in alphabetical order

eg: Can you alphabetize these accounts?   The names have been alphabetized.

characters – a symbol for a word, like in Chinese and Japanese.

eg: Chinese doesn’t have an alphabet.

author – a person who writes something, like an article or a book

eg: J.K. Rowling is not a bad author, but I don’t love her books.

Writing exercise

Anti-dandruff products advertising and all brand’s products promotion are two ways of digital spending.
Portal webs and video websites accounted for more than 95% of the total spending.
Video clip ads and rectangle banner are the main way to build brand awareness.
Outdoor media forms reduced from 2015 to 2017 ,and metro advertising gradually became to be the main form.
Whatever digital or outdoor, anti-dandruff products still be the main products of Clear.

Anti-dandruff product(adj) advertising and all brand’s product(adj) promotion are two forms of digital spending.
Portal webs and video websites accounted for more than 95% of the total spending.
Videos and banners are the main way to build brand awareness.
Outdoor media forms reduced from 2015 to 2017 ,and metro advertising gradually became the main form.
Whether online or outdoor, anti-dandruff products are still the main products of Unilever-Clear.