F2F Class Notes (Tony)


In Macau it’s too really cheap.

I work in Sales at Kohler.

I think Hong Kong is ordinary.

I eat rice twice a day.

I’m drinking some salty cheese tea.

We focus on sales to distributors.

How do you pronounce this word?

I know what this word means, I just don’t know how to pronounce it.

Two prefectures are very rainy. 

ordinary – very common, nothing special, nothing interesting

eg: I like ordinary white rice, not some special different rice.

jerky – some dried meat

eg: I like beef jerky.

heat N. – hot

eg: Do you mind the heat? Yes, I mind. I don’t like it.

Mayor – leader of a city

eg: The mayor of San Francisco is Chinese.

purse – woman’s bag

eg: I have a wallet in my purse.

idiom – a phrase with a special meaning    Chengyu

eg: You need to study idioms if you want to understand English.

promotion N. – when they give you a higher position in the company

eg: I want to learn English so I can get a promotion.



Actions speak louder than words – Actions are more powerful and useful than words.

Add insult to injury – to make a bad situation worse

Back to the Drawing board – when your idea fails and you need to start with a new idea

Bite off more than you can chew – to accept a job or task that is too big or difficult for you to do alone

Phrase – some words often used together.

Repeat after me, to practice Pronunciation, used in Phrases:

There are two rainy(ADJ.) prefectures

we need to replace some infrastructure

their organization gives food to homeless people

I’m 160 centimeters tall. It’s 300 cm long.   It’s 50 cm wide


Have you ever eaten shark?

I‘ve eaten it. (you did eat it once before)

Do you eat shark?

I eat shark.   (Often or usually)


15 – fifTeeN

50 – fif Dee

1550 – fif TeeN fif Dee