F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I’m not the most pragmatic person at my work.

When I was a child I was scared for scorpions, because they are poisonous.

Maybe we can do dinner with the client afterward.

find more evidence to back up(support) the data.

this data supports the proof (N.).

arachnid – scientific name for insects in the spider family,

eg: Scorpions are also arachnids.

cockroaches – zhang lan

eg: I’m really scared of cockroaches. I don’t like roaches.

Study Plan:

3. Cancellations, Rescheduling.

Phrases: Have an appointment.    Something Came up.     I don’t have time.     I have a time conflict.

Hi Tony, I need to cancel the class today. Because I have something important to do.

I’m sorry to say that I need to cancel today, because I need to see the dentist.

I have a doctor’s/dentist appointment.

Something came up so the meeting will be cancelled.

I have a time conflict, so I’m unable to attend the meeting.

I can’t make it. (attend/go to)

Go to/Attend a party


Unfortunately, we have to reschedule the meeting, sorry for any inconvenience this brings you.


herb – Errb