F2F Class Notes (Tony) [W]


I woke waked up

I can sleep slept

a long sentences sentence

pull an all-nighter – to not sleep because you are doing something

eg: I have a big test tomorrow, So I need to pull an all-nighter studying.

every – each one

eg: Every person needs to sleep about 7 hours each night.

sleep in – to sleep longer than you normally do

eg: I got to sleep in today, because I didn’t need to work.

oversleep – to sleep too long, you feel worse after.

eg: I overslept, so I still felt tired.

Writing exercise

I wash my car
My car washed by me

I washed my car yesterday
Yesterday my car washed by me

I have washed my car
My car have been washed by me

I will wash my car tomorrow
Tomorrow will be washed by me

I can wash my car
My car can be washed by me

She understand knowledge is useful for herself
The knowledge is understood for her

I wash my car
My car was washed (by me)

I washed my car yesterday
Yesterday my car was washed (by me)

I have washed my car
My car has been washed (by me)

I will wash my car tomorrow
Tomorrow my car will be washed (by me)

I can wash my car
My car can be washed by me.  (Meaning is I can, you probably want to add (by me)

She understands knowledge is useful for her.
Understanding the knowledge is useful (for her.)

Passive Sentences:

object + be + past participle

The cake was eaten.

And that will be done by who?    (you want to know, Who will do it?)