F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Write a story using these words, and some words from class today:

狮子头 – Lion’s Head

干丝 – Kan-ssu. Hot Tofu Dish, boiled with soup

蒲菜 – Cattail

正宗 – Authentic

山药 – Chinese Yam

面粉 – Flour

蒸热 – Steamed


it is good to the health – it is healthy

has a lot of nutrition

vegetarian restaurants –

eg: In many vegetarian restaurants they have savory dishes that taste like meat, but it is really vegetables.

Superfood – a marketing word to tell you that this food is super healthy

eg: Many people buy superfoods now, like Kale a leafy green vegetable used in salads. But superfoods are not proven to really be healthier.

out of business – closed forever

eg: Are they having a sale because they are going out of business?

oily – has a lot of oil

eg: It’s not very oily.

eg: Yunnan food is not very oily.

Garlic – Da Suan, a white very powerful vegetable used in cooking.

eg: You can cook many things with garlic.

Seasoningsalt or an herb, spice, or the like, for heightening or improving the flavor of food

Spices – like salt and pepper, used in cooking for taste

eg: Every person who is good at cooking will have a spice rack. ON this they can keep all of their different spices.



Lamb Kebabs – Yang Rou Chuanr

Seaweed – green plant that looks like paper when it is in a package


Ice cream




Lemons (yellow) / Limes (green)

Plain Yogurt ( Suan nai) (without sugar.)


Black Coffee


Coco or Cacao (chocolate powder)


Chill pepper –  a spicy vegetable

Jalapeno – a spicy mexican pepper


meat taste

Meat Dumplings


I think I probably have eaten it before


Spanish J = H

Jalapeno = Halla Peen Yo