F2F Class Notes (Tony)


the hair stylist

he worked for discovery channel

he was a cameraman

when we stop parked our car

it will turn you around, and you don’t know which way is up

Curl – to make something into a circle shape

eg: If you see a bear you should curl up into a ball and play dead. No, not really, I don’t know anything about bears.

Curly – in the shape of many curls

eg: I told the hair stylist, “not too wavy and not too curly.”

eg: Do you like curly fries? They are like regular fries but cut into a curly shape and have some different seasoning.

Waveto move (something) back and forth,

eg: Be Careful there are some big waves. (water is moving back and forth)

Wavy (adj)

Color Blind – can’t see some colors

eg: My friend is color blind, he can’t see green.

taste-buds – the small parts of your tongue to sense taste

eg: His taste-buds are damaged, so he can’t taste sweet food.

slippery – A surface that is difficult to stand on, move on, or hold because of being smooth, wet, icy

eg: Some green plants are covering the rocks, so they are really slippery.

to slip – lose your balance and fall

eg: I slipped and fell in the river.


the river speed is fastthe river was really fast