F2F Class Notes (Tony)



do you play skateboard – do you skate?

do you play skiing – do you ski?

do you play swimming – do you swim?

Do you basketball? Do you play basketball?

they blew up a mountain

account for (sth.) –

Dust – dry dirt, very fine and small particles

eg: There’s a lot of dust on this table, we should clean it.

Mud – wet dirt

eg: Don’t walk in the mud, you got new shoes.

Marble – a natural stone, that is very beautiful and often has some white lines in it

eg: Marble is very common in China

Facade – a thin outside layer, to hide the underneath part

eg: Most buildings

slippery – can not grab the surface, especially ground, like ice

eg: Be careful, it’s slippery over there. I spilled some water.

Scrape – to push very hard against something, so that it damages the surface

eg: My son scraped his knee when riding his bike.

Narrow – opposite of wide

eg: The road is too narrow to pass.

Account for (sth.)to think about (something) before doing something : to take (something) into consideration

eg: I didn’t account for that reason to lose the client. The price difference was more than I thought.


my daughter’s HW from his her school?

What nationality is that student?

What’s that student‘s nationality?

Apostrophe‘     Jason’s

  1. When you remove letters in a word to put two words together, you should write an apostrophe.

Can not = Can’t    Do not = Don’t     I am = I’m

2. When you want to show Possession(own something)

Jason’s car is the fastest car in Shanghai.

Tony’s notes say Jason asks good questions and he’s improving a lot, but can’t stop worrying too much.