F2F Class Notes (Tony)


i want to make some practice – I want to get some exercise

from a technological (adj) point of view

I will prepare the left 27. [ I will prepare the 27 left. / I will practice the other 27 ]

projectto have or show a particular quality

eg: I project a conflict solving ability. In a project I experienced two months ago, the department head of merchandising can’t totally understand the B.I. software, so he refused to communicate with out team about this project’s requirements. So that’s a conflict between us that I should solve. Next, I talked with him about the advantages of the B. I. tools. Which is named “Qlick View” I show how the software can bring some flexibility to reports.

eg: I think conflict always exists in a project so I think the conflict solving ability is very necessary for every company.

eg: I project a conflict solving ability, which is inevitably going to be useful for business in China.

projecta planned piece of work that has a specific purpose and that usually requires a lot of time

eg: I think I have the ability to control the cost and process of a project. When I get a complex project I should communicate  about the requirements with the internal customers.


ADJ. + N.

eg: I have three(adj) fat(adj) dogs(n).


eg: My dogs are fat.



eg: Honestly, I don’t know her.

eg: I honestly don’t know her.

eg: I don’t know her, honestly.

I’m busy for prepare my interview

Have been – from the past, until now

eg: How have you been?

I have been fine.

eg: I have been busy on business trips. (last month)

Have been doing – from the past until now, still doing

eg: How long have you been drinking that coffee?

I’ve been drinking this coffee for half an hour.

eg: What have you been doing?

I’ve been preparing for my interview.


project (N) – prAh Jekt

project (V) – Pruh jekt