F2F Class Notes (Tony) [W]


Find a B. and C. point for each part of your outline.

Continued from last HW.


[ I can work based on my own rhythm / I can work at my own speed ]

I had to organize 4 boxes of files

like those Russian dolls, always a smaller one inside

label (V.) – to put a name or identifying mark on it

eg: These medicines are not labeled. So we don’t know whose they are.

eg: I should label the boxes to figure out what’s in them.

label ( N) – the piece of paper or writing on something, to tell you what it is

eg: There isn’t a label on this bottle. What’s in it?

Writing exercise

Why does takeout become more and more popular?
1.Takeaway platform becomes more and more perfect and convienient.
Because of the convienience that provided by a lot of platforms,people can order any food they want with their phone on the internet at home.
2.The faster and faster rythm of life
Nowadays,especially in first-tier cities, the rhythm of young people’s life is too fast to go out for a lunch or dinner.So takeout is a good choice for them.

In modern society, takeout has become more and more popular.Even it brings a lot of convience for us, we can’t ignore the problems it brings, such as wasting of resources by over package, environment pollutions, etc. Please go out or cook yourself if it’s possible.

Why is takeout becoming increasingly popular?

1. It’s impossible to deny the convenience of delivery.

A. Because of the convenience that provided by a lot of platforms, people can order any food they want online.



2.The fast paced rhythm of life

A. Nowadays, especially in first-tier cities, the rhythm of young people’s lives is too fast to go out for a lunch or dinner. So takeout is a good choice for them.



Conclusion: In modern society, takeout has become important for young busy people. Even if it brings a lot of convenience for us, we can’t ignore the problems it brings, [such as / like] wasting of resources by excess packaging, environmental pollution, etc. Please go out or cook for yourself if it’s possible.