F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Write an outline for a Speech.


Why people should stop using plastic cups.

A. Causes pollution

1. Pollution in the sea.

2. Pollution in the air.

3. Pollution in our food. (Tie together 1. and 2. )

B. Other materials can have other benefits.

1. Paper cups are made from trees and we can use other parts of the trees.

2. Can help people change their lifestyle. Bring their own cup.

C. Conclusion

  1. Repeat your main idea.
  2. Give a [ solution / something to think about. ]


Be Good at (doing something)

eg: I’m good at swimming.

eg: Are you good at swimming?

eg:Are you inept st swimming.

rhythma regular, repeated pattern of sounds or movements

eg: The rhythm at my old job was slower.

eg: I think the rhythm of that yoga class was too fast.



I have a big (adj) cat.

I have a  _____ (adj) cat. (n)




Probably don’t use more than three ADJ. before a N.

Two Different ADJECTIVES:

…ing – gives that feeling

…ed – has that feeling

Bore ( V.)

eg: You bore (v) me.

eg: You are boring.(adj)

eg: I am bored. (adj)

eg: I am boring.

I’m the kind of person who can’t make a joke, doesn’t laugh easily. I just stay at home, I don’t go out often.

eg: I am bored.

I’m watching a movie and it’s really bad. But not funny bad. Just bad.

some paperwork which is in charge of mesome paperwork which I’m in charge of